The Internet is Feminine

The Internet is Feminine

A lot of things have led up to The Pivot — the point in time when men no longer control women and women can, if they so choose, be entirely self-sufficient. This is an era of celebration because now a woman need not settle for a man she simply tolerates because she needs him to survive. People can come together out of love and desire and not as a requirement. We have a choice in how our relationships are shaped.

From a political perspective, there was women’s liberation and the changing of laws which gave women more autonomy. From a spiritual perspective, some preachers admit they know it’s the return of Ishtar, Inanna, Ashera — The Mother. They can see that their tantrum-throwing father god, Yahweh, is not the one and only supernatural entity in town. I have speculated that perhaps Marjorie Cameron released the Red Goddess into the world again with Jack Parsons in the 1950s which then led to the sexual revolution.

But from a technological perspective, it was most certainly helped along by the Internet. And there’s good reason. The Internet is inherently feminine.

Often, when I talk about masculine vs. feminine systems and structures, others will get it half right. The masculine is built upon ranking hierarchies. You can see it in everything from the way patriarchal governments are organized to the way men rate women on attractiveness or rate themselves according to the Greek alphabet. The masculine also favors pyramidal hierarchies, with a few at the top issuing orders or rules to the many at the bottom and siphoning energy, power, and resources from those at the bottom up to the top.

Try this: Ask a man if he can imagine any kind of organization without hierarchy. He will immediately tell you it’s total irrational chaos. He imagines it as a totally flat field with people running around with no direction whatsoever. To many men, it would seem like anarchy in the pejorative sense.

It’s very difficult for men to imagine the organizational structure of the Feminine. I like to use metaphors and visuals to help. The Feminine is neither chaotic nor a horizontal plain. Feminine organization is rhizomatic.

I often say that if you plant a garden and really pay attention to how it works, you’ll know all you need to know about the Feminine. In fact, you’ll know all you need to know about life itself. But let’s stick to organizational structure alone.

Rhizomes are structures under the surface, out of sight, shaped as a network of nodes — clumps of life that spring visibly to the surface with a complex root network that stretches endlessly in all directions underneath. That network of nodes shares information and resources. If you cut one of the networked roots, the rhizome does not die. If you pull up a node or pave over it, other nodes crop up through the cracks in the cement. And when a node becomes too large it breaks off into new nodes. Feminine rhizomatic structure is logical, flexible, enduring, and almost indestructible. Its logic is also hidden from plain sight, working entirely underground.

Some people see the tree as a symbol of a kind of hierarchy, with a trunk, branches, and leaves. Yet, under the surface of any thriving forest is a rhizomatic network of fungi that connect the tree’s roots. The trees communicate via this network to warn one another of infestations and health dangers, as well as share resources. In fact, the oldest tree in a forest is called The Mother, and it will share resources with saplings that cannot yet reach the top of the canopy for sunlight. Without this rhizomatic network of fungi to communicate, a large forest is much more vulnerable.

I have a theory that this may be why men are more comfortable with hierarchies. The structure of a hierarchy is visible from the outside, just like men’s genitals. And it has an upward trajectory like an erection. If they don’t see a hierarchy, something is missing. They feel castrated. I can’t be certain that is true but I like to throw a bit of Freudian fun into my analysis.

Gynarchy works on the rhizomatic principle. There are nodes of centrality called Hives, with a Queen or a set of Queens at the center of each Hive. They are the purpose of the Hive—the reason it exists. They provide a center of gravity, something to organize around. Around them, the rest of the hive works for the good of the Hive as a whole. Each Hive is connected to every other Hive through a network. They share knowledge and resources.

The Internet was created to be rhizomatic. In fact, the military created it for that purpose so data would never be lost if under attack. It can be spread across nodes, and if one node shuts down or the network communication is cut from that node, the others have duplicated that same data and can share it across the network. This is the main benefit of blockchains.

The Internet is a feminine structure. Feminine structures seek to expand in all directions, with as many new iterations and variations as possible. They seek growth. I have heard men complain that women are never satisfied. They always want more, more. This is the nature of Feminine life-creating energy: not to settle in just one place and build upward like the masculine trellis. It is abundance.

Hierarchical structures are more vulnerable to being toppled. They always have a beginning and end, and they are limited. The bigger they are, the easier it is to knock them down. One only needs to weaken the bottom layers, and the top comes crashing to the ground.

The benefits of hierarchical structures are temporary. They work very well in shorter lifespans and require overthrow or destruction to be replaced with the next hierarchy. They are favorable for the systemic-style thinking of the masculine. The masculine mind favors highly visible, distinct, and classifiable boxes which can be ranked by value. The feminine mind prefers the rhizomatic networked nodes of thought connected by millions of wires. One comical relationship expert named Mark Gungor explained it when outlining the differences between the average man’s mind and the average woman’s mind. “Everything is connected to everything else,” he said, making the sounds of an electrical buzz. A man will assume a woman’s thinking is disordered and without logic simply because he cannot see the order. He cannot fathom the series of connections linked in logical progression.

Now, everything is connected to everything else in a giant worldwide networked feminine mind called the Internet. As that develops as a primary means of communication and information sharing, our minds begin to adapt to its feminine structure. The world begins to take on a more feminine style of organization. This will further advance us into the Pivot, the rule of the Feminine, and the centrality of women.

There is order to the Feminine style of organization. It just looks different than hierarchies, and it is mostly hidden under the surface. As it grows and takes over like weeds in an abandoned building, there is a period that feels like things are crumbling, like Western civilization is falling apart. But the only things crumbling are the hierarchies in favor of the ever-connected and expanding life of the rhizome.

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1 comment

If woman would take the man and chasitys him and take charge make him the women and dominate him the world would be a fair better place

Lisa field

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