The Eight Point Star

The eight-pointed star is an almost universal symbol. It is most prominent as the symbol of the Sumerian Goddess Ishtar, also known as Inanna, and later referred to as Venus. The slaves in Ishtar's temple were sometimes branded with it. It is the Morning Star. It’s seen in depictions of the Virgin Mary, and in ancient Egypt as the Ogdoad - four pairs of deities male and female. Northern Canadian Mi'kmaq Indians use the eight-pointed star pictogram on doorways and thresholds and call it Wejkwapeniaq which in English means “the coming of the Dawn.” It’s called the Kaheksakand in Estonian and is a symbol of life, fertility, and wards off evil. It represents the eight emanations of Lakshmi in Hinduism and is immediately recognizable in secular life as the compass rose. It is light, hope, protection, and abundance - a symbol of the Divine Feminine. We use it as our guide, to show us true north, giving us a way to orient ourselves if we lose direction. Loaded with meaning, we use it as the symbol of the Eight Pillars of Gynarchy. These are fundamental principles of any woman-led community. Our moral code.


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