The Bee

The bee is significant for its association with one of the Pillars of Gynarchy: The Hive. Networks are made up of nodes and within Gynarchy we call these nodes Hives. We use the imagery of the beehive because bees have survived 30 million years, 5 times longer than homo sapiens, and the shape of their societies has not changed much over time. In hives, the members all strive to support the hive as a whole, and their motivation at the center of it all is the Queen. The Queen sets up camp and the hive forms around her. Move the Queen and the hive follows. She is the central symbolic and practical focus that holds the hive together. Their raison d'être. 


Bees are also known as not only a sustainable species but an ULTRA sustainable species. That means they provide more value to the environment than they take from it. In gathering their nectar, they pollinate plants, assuring more than enough plant life to sustain their needs and that of other animals. And with their excess food production, they provide us with their delicious honey. Bees are a symbol of sweet abundance.

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