Types of collars for men.

In Gynarchy, a collar is presented to a man by a woman who wishes to keep him under contract to serve Her,  either temporarily for a day, a month, a year, or several years; or indefinitely as a lifelong commitment, often more serious than marriage. He wears his collar as a symbol of his servitude. 


Kinky BDSM-style locking collars and dog collars, though exciting for the man to wear in private, might be seen as inappropriate in mixed company, in public, or at his day job, so often a "day collar" will be chosen for him.  A day collar can pass as ordinary jewelry and can be as simple as a chain or a steel or leather bracelet with a hint of severity. His Lady may add a small personalized tag to the day collar with a shared secret code reminding him of his proper place as a servant to women.


Sometimes a bracelet-style day collar can also double as a cock strap during private play times adding an added touch of kink and arousing memories for him as he looks at it throughout the day.  


Our collars are chosen for their high quality materials and are made to be cherished for as long as your contract lasts.





